You can customize the controls by going to Instructions and pressing Customize button on the bottom left.
Attack / Cast Spell (+ Shift): Left Click mouse. Scroll through spells: Mouse Scroll. Use Health Potion: Q. Quick Select Spells: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Movement: A,W,S,D. Spell Attack Mode: Shift. Kick, Fly Down: F. Jump, Fly Up: Spacebar. Use Aura Potion: E.
The game includes:
- Completely customizable controls.
- Unlockable cheats and special characters.
- Animations and minimovies between each Act.
- 6 Bosses, 9 Acts.
- Spells, Attack combos, a levelling system + MORE!
Read this before playing:
1. THE GAME autosaves as you play, saving where you are, your potions, levels, etc, so feel free to leave and come back later.
2. CONTROLS are changable! OH and if youre confused when you get flight, SPACE is up, F is down and land. THERE IS a controls menu.
3. BEST VIEWED in a popup window, due to some use of the mouse wheel.
4. SOME PEOPLE are having trouble loading the game at all. it MIGHT be to do with how NG brings up the flash on the same page. try it in popup window, or on